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Out of control parents and coaches. The kids won't take it anymore.

Request the Script

About the author, Rod Kent

Rod Kent author photo.

Rod Kent started his career in computers in high school, getting a job at a top-secret government laboratory after hacking into their computers to do homework … and getting caught. This led to a top-secret clearance and finding out where Martians were buried in Area 51. After graduating, he was a rocket scientist for NASA, working on the software for the space shuttle Endeavor. He also developed the video software for the Shoah Foundation to review the testimonies of over 50,000 Holocaust survivors for five years.

Rod has been developing the script for Mutiny in the Dugout for many years. Recently he had the book written from the script. Many updates and changes to both culminated in a much better story line and dialog for both works of art.

Of course, the book is all fiction and not based on any little league clubs. Really… I promise!